Image: ProTrust Estate Planning - Our Fees

Our Estate Planning Fees

We provide our estate planning clients with clarity and are transparent as to the firm’s costs and charges.

We publish cost guidance for elements of work that are usually product-based or known in terms of usual time to complete. Please see below for details.  If there is an element of work you wish us to undertake that is not covered in our costs guidance, please get in touch and ask for the details.  Please note that costs are always subject to change depending on circumstances of complexity or where additional time is incurred that was not initially reasonably able to be foreseen.

We charge fixed fees where-ever it is suitable or requested by our clients.  Fixed Fees are usually based according to an estimate of time to be spent by our team based on standard hourly charging rates  (£250+vat per hour being our rate for our senior advisors).

For a new matter or enquiry, whether it relates to preparing a new Will, Lasting Power of Attorney or Trust or whether it is just for some initial advice, we offer a first consultation at our cost so that we can first take some details, appraise what is required to be undertaken and for you (our clients) to assess how best to thereafter proceed.

If you would like to talk to us about any of our services please get in touch